oh no. skoo.
0oh skoo is starting soOn!!!
somehow part of me can't really wait for school to start becos slacking away @ home is making me feel really really guilty bleahs lols. i just want to absorb like a sponge plsss lolss.
just started getting hooked on korean variety shows (becos recently there's hardly any drama i wanna watch) and k variety is quite useful cos they'll put the words there as they speak so i can practise reading (at a snail's pace unfortunately) and listen to some of the expressions they use.
Finished 'Good Daddy Show' last week because Lee Hong ki was in it and he's just.so.adorable lolss. but all the other people were equally entertaining and becos of this show, i went to google a bit on Super Junior (cos Kim Hee Chul was in Good Daddy as well). he's an arrogant piece of ass (get surprised when people don recognize him "i'm TOP STAR!") but he always brings laughter to the show with his unique fashion sense (a big hole @ the back of his shirt, croc like shoes for winter) & expressive dance moves.

Good Daddy is about 5 single men with very different personalities (range from age 10+ to 40) learning how to take care/ care for their 10 year old daughter...of course many ridiculous stuff along the way because the dads are usually at a loss of what to do lols.

"We Got Married" is another entertaining and hilarious show which pairs up celebrities and have them live the life of newly wedded couples. Then they'll go through interviews to talk about their impressions of the other half, how men/ women think, about issues in their marriage, feelings, love etc. And they have sets of couples with their unique characteristics (e.g.: romantic type, funny but awkward type, mischievious type etc.) I feel couples with a larger age gap are very fun to watch lolsss.
I guess this is a really tough show to be in because after all it's a scripted show and you dunno how much (true) feelings to get urself involved in? On the side of a viewer, sometimes i doubt if this is what they really find themselves doing/ saying or simply acting only for the sake of the show.
SX maybe you shld watch this show to get to know more about how women feel lolssss.